Old Vs New Dulwich Event
A BiG THANK YOU to the Mayor of Southwark, Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle MBE and my old Dulwich Hamlet team mates for making the BiG Dulwich Hamlet ‘Old’ Vs ‘New’ Fund Raising Event a successful and memorable one for so many children, teenagers and all who attended.
Through this unique event, BiG brought the community together – people connected to the football club and young children giving all a memorable experience. Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle MBE, the Mayor of Southwark has been a huge support and active throughout this campaign, doing a draw selecting the successful winners to participate in the post-match entertainment training session,and participating on the day meeting and greeting players – both old and new Dulwhich Hamlet stars and young mascots before the historic game between the old and the new, and at the presentation ceremony, giving out medals and trophies!
“It was satisfying to hear that the Madam Mayor was cheering on the ‘Old’ stars and tweeting a running commentary of the game and the successes of the event just before she left.”Lio
nel Best
This event provided BiG with an opportunity to showcase what it can the event kicked of with a very entertaining match with a BiG select side against the under 12 AFC Wimbledon Academy team providing an opportunity for grass roots players not only to play against an academy side to measure themselves against the elite, but to play on the Dulwich Hamlet first team pitch. As you can see from the above pictures, the event also provided an opportunity for so many boys and girls to first have a nice kick-around on the Dulwich Hamlet pitch with old and new Dulwich stars and then walk with a star to be greeted by the Mayor of Southwark, and feel special.
The event concluded with 45 children taking part in a fun entertaining training session on the Dulwich Hamlet pitch in a nice full football training kit which they were aloud to take home. We gave out t-shirts to the mascots and medals to all children who were part of this memorable occasion!
What a fantastic day!
Here is the The BiG Dulwich Hamlet Event Governance Accountability Document which provides details of the many activities involved in this unique community event, funds raised and a breakdown of the expenditure.