Easter 2014
BiG delivered another successful work experience scheme, its fourth in 9 months with 2 boys taking part this time around – Dylan Skinner and Paul Kalu, who took part last year and built on the skills he had already started to develop.
Like the last scheme, Dylan and Paul benefitted from an induction day where they received all their necessary paperwork including their rotas and their daily logs to help appreciate what was expected of them. The induction day also presented the opportunity to again feedback experiences from the previous programme, for example, what worked well as well as the challenges.
“The BiG program has taught me a number of things which i have been able to embed into my everyday routines aswell as into other coaching regimes. Besides the fantastic opportunity to work with children of different ages and abilities, it has also taught me the importance of planning, organising and being flexible in my work and what i am able to offer as a person. I would recommend anyone who is interested in sport or who enjoys working with children to take the opportuinity to get involved and work with BiG as i believe its a great and unforgettable experiance which should help you in the future.”
During their induction, I conducted a safeguarding children’s risk assessment with both boys explaining why the risk assessment was needed, what the possible risks were to both the young participants and themselves and what processes have been put in place to minimise the risk before Dylan, Paul and myself signed the forms. I explained how important it was for the workers to reflect on their days work and log their experiences of what they did each day in the their daily diaries highlighting where they demonstrated the different key transferable skills (leadership, interpersonal, organisation and team working). I also went through with them each task on the rotas in more detail ensuring that they understood what was required for each task.
“Working with Lionel has given Paul a good head start in life for example more confidence, keeping time, planning, learning more skills, communicating, leadership skills, being his own boss, teaching skills to younger ones and all types of physical educational and football skills.”
Caroline kalu, Paul’s mum
Dylan and Paul performed their tasks to a really high standard and demonstrated some really good leadership skills. Dylan was consistent throughout the scheme and Paul showed massive improvements during the second week. Both of the workers had the opportunity to lead on some activities and controlled their groups effectively displaying clear communication skills with positive body language and getting the right balance in their tone talking with authority. They also encouraged team working amongst the participants and clearly earned the kids respect!.
Thank you Dylan and Paul for all your help!