From participating in SHOCK I noticed that 52% of my class’s attitude to learning had improved, 60% of their behaviour had improved, 96% of them seemed more confident with higher self esteem, 68% of them seemed more engaged in the classroom, 76% of the class appeared more respectful, 80% of the children’s reading had improved, 84% of their mental maths ability had improved and 100% of their writing had improved.
Taiwo Labinjo Year 4 Teacher, Immanuel & St Andrews Primar
y School
Throughout the whole of the 2012/13 academic year, Lionel delivered A fantastic programme that focuses on developing children’s physical fitness and health awareness whilst addressing important skills such as cooperation, teamwork and a range of other PSHE themes. Highly recommended for classes, after school clubs or as a targeted intervention.
Sola Ingram Acting Deputy Headteacher, Immanuel & St Andrews Primar
y School
During the 2011/12 academic year, Lionel delivered his SHOCK Programme to our Year 5 children. The session was driven by different strategies all aiming to increase children’s self-esteem and confidence. Lionel taught this through the medium of football very successfully.
Through a series of carefully planned sessions, Lionel was able to teach children how to respect themselves and their peers as well as understand fair play within sports. He organised motivational speakers to come and inspire our pupils so that they could see what could be achieved in life if you adhered to the SHOCK principles.
Lionel was always well prepared and punctual for his sessions. His approach was professional and this passion was reflected in the children’s engagement.
Our children enjoyed the programme and grew as individuals. They are already using and applying these skills as they consider secondary school and the new challenges that they face. I would recommend this programme to other schools without reservation.
Luigi Leccacorvi Acting Headteacher, St John Baptist Primar
y School
Lionel ran his SHOCK programme during the autumn term 2012 for 14 year 5 and 6 boys. The boys had been chosen by the school due to low level behaviour issues and attitude to learning. Lionel was extremely well organised. He planned a variety of activities with key focuses:
– Focus on team work
– Focus on long term goals and impact on longer term
– Focus on taking responsibility
Football was central to the work which all the boys enjoyed. Team activities, a motivational speaker and use of films were very successful.
Lionel put a reward system in place which motivated the boys and led into an extremely good celebration assembly. The children all had certificates and three received medals. It was a very uplifting and positive assembly, Lionel spoke very passionately.
Lionel was always punctual and followed up each session with the school. There was extremely good communication with the school throughout the programme. Lionel was very committed to the project and the children benefitted from attending.
Liz Coston (Deputy head) and Bridget Baptist (Learning Mentor), Torridon Junio
r School
The SHOCK programme was delivered by Lionel, our football coach and supported by a member of our Inclusion team. The programme developed positive attitudes to learning and self-esteem through a range of football activities. I was pleased that the pilot went well and all the children enjoyed and benefited from being involved in the programme. I am happy to recommend the programme and I will be looking into running it again in the future.
Chris Ashley-Jones Headteacher, Hitherfield Primar
y School
Lionel is a positive and inspiring role model at Hitherfield Primary. His SHOCK programme used (Social,Emotional Aspects of Learning) SEAL activities to help develop pupils’ self esteem, positive image of themselves in the context of team work and learning. The use of football was the icing on the cake. The pupils engaged well and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Leroy Hoyte Deputy Headteacher, Hitherfield Primar
y School
Overall the program was beneficial for the children involved. They were quite demanding at times but I witnessed a couple of children with low confidence begin to come out of themselves and children who were short tempered become respectful of their peers and adults. They became more aware of healthy eating , lifestyles and taking responsibility for their own decisions and actions.
Lucy Flood Inclusion Team, Hitherfield Primar
y School